Blind Date a spontaneous theatre creation starring Rebecca Northan as "Mimi" at the Centaur Theatre in Old Montreal
At each performance of Blind Date Mimi selects one willing male participant from the audience to be her "date" on stage for the evening. Each encounter is unique with often hilarious results. Sometimes, participants are merely good sports much like studio audience members on a game show who become part of the action. Then there are those performances when this red-nosed coquette's dates really get into the part, even revealing something of their true selves in the process. All in all, this interactive approach to theatre makes for a delightful audience experience. Most of all, Blind Date gives the awkward social engagement of a blind date a whole new meaning one a great many people can relate to.
Queer Blind Date with David Benjamin Tomlinson as "Mathieu" on Thursday May 2.
Blind Date
The Centaur Theatre
April 9 - May 5
453 St Francois Xavier St., Montreal
Box Office: (514) 288-316